What is Slow Leadership?
We propose the concept of Slow Leadership as an alternative to top-down, anxiety-driven, catastrophe-mindset models of leadership.
For us, Slow is first and foremost about being in relationship, altering communication patterns and approaches to both collaboration and conflict in ways that invite and accept broad participation.
Drawing on Circle Process and using a series of prompts for assessing ourselves and others in a given situation, we offer a human-centered, connection-oriented, listening-based model of leadership as we strive to transform our places of work.
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Why Slow?
We embrace Slow as a term for its potential to resist normative models and to offer alternatives.
Across fields, Slow can mean many things, from taking time to cook and eat together using locally harvested ingredients (Slow Food), to acquiring knowledge through sustained observation (Slow Looking), to committing to collaborative and care-based research (Slow Scholarship). Slow is often in opposition to a culture of speed, but primarily, Slow means doing things differently.